Use the following syntax to

2 min readOct 2, 2018


Deleting a User

Use the following syntax to delete a database user profile:

  • DROP USER IF EXISTS username;

Note that this command KVM VPS in US Oregon will not by default delete any tables created by the deleted user, and attempts to access such tables may result in errors.

Selecting a Database

Before you can create a table, you first have to tell the RDBMS the database in which you’d like to create it. In MySQL and MariaDB, do so with the following syntax:

  • USE database;

In PostgreSQL, you must Dedicated Server in Europe use the following command to select your desired database:

  • \connect database

Creating a Table

The following command structure creates a new table with the name table, and includes two columns, each with their own specific data type:

  • CREATE TABLE table ( column_1 column_1_data_type, column_2 column_2_data_taype );

Deleting a Table

To delete a table Cloud Server per Hour in Europe entirely, including all its data, run the following:


Inserting Data into a Table

Use the following syntax to populate VPS per Hour in Europe a table with one row of data:

  • INSERT INTO table ( column_A, column_B, column_C ) VALUES ( ‘data_A’, ‘data_B’, ‘data_C’ );

You can also populate a table with multiple rows of data using a single command, like this:

  • INSERT INTO table ( column_A, column_B, column_C ) VALUES ( ‘data_1A’, ‘data_1B’, ‘data_1C’ ), ( ‘data_2A’, ‘data_2B’, ‘data_2C’ ), ( ‘data_3A’, ‘data_3B’, ‘data_3C’ );

Deleting Data from a Table

To delete a row of data Reseller VPS Program in Europe from a table, use the following command structure. Note that value should be the value held in the specified column in the row that you want to delete:




Written by MivoCloud

Sales of servers, hosting and cloud vps

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